
A Day Early

A Day Early


Mike and I had looked forward to Spring Break since the previous Fall. Panama City Beach was our destination, and as 2 horny 19 year olds, we were eager to soak up the atmosphere ( bikinis, wet T shirt contests, etc… ). Our last class on Friday ended at 12:00, and we were on the road by 1:00. Although we were both from Huntsville, we attended college in Birmingham. The drive from Birmingham to Panama City only took about 4 1/2 hours. By the time we checked in and unpacked, we were ready to hit the strip. After a bit to eat, we cruised the strip for 2 or 3 hours hoping to catch a glimpse at some hot girls.

Saturday, Sunday and Monday were fun filled days going to the beach and watching a few bikini contests. However, on Tuesday morning Mike awoke complaining that he had a scratchy throat, mild headache and earache. Even with Mike slightly under the weather, we still had a good time on Tuesday. The following day, Wednesday, Mike felt worse and stayed in the hotel room all day lying in bed sleeping or watching TV. By Thursday morning, Mike had a severe sore throat along with a worsening headache and earache. His throat was so sore that he could hardly talk. I went out for a few hours on Thursday morning by myself returning to the hotel room about 1:00 PM. Mike thought that he was feeling worse and asked me to take him to a doctor. After flipping thru the yellow pages and talking to the front desk, we found a doctor’s office about 10 minutes from our hotel. After emerging from the doctor’s visit, Mike told me that he had a 100.7 degree fever as well as a bacterial infection. For $132, Mike received a penicillin shot, a strep test and 2 prescriptions. After swinging by a local pharmacy, we headed back to our hotel room. Although I felt sorry for Mike, I had my fingers crossed that I didn’t catch his horrible infection.

Mike went to bed about 8:30 on Thursday night, and after watching TV ( with the sound turned down ), I drifted off to sleep at about 11:00. Mike’s throat was so raw that he hardly slept at all. He woke me up at 6:00 AM and asked if we could go home a day early. We had originally planned to stay thru Friday night, and drive home on Saturday afternoon. We left Panama City at about 7:30 on Friday morning and arrived in Huntsville about 2:00 PM. Although we were in Mike’s car, I drove all the way back. Mike spent half the time lying in the back seat sucking on throat lozenges. We first dropped by my house, and I removed my luggage from the trunk. Luckily for Mike, he only had about a 10 minute drive to his own house.

No one was home when I arrived. My Dad had an overseas assignment with his company thru the end of June. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to travel abroad, my Mom traveled overseas with him. My brother, Dan, had just finished graduate school and had been working at his new job here in Huntsville for about 6 weeks. Until our parents returned from overseas, he was in no rush to find an apartment. Dan’s bedroom was on the second floor while mine was in the basement. Our parents had the Master bedroom on the main floor. After I unpacked, I began reading the newspaper and watching TV. At about 3:15, the phone rang. As I normally do, I let the answering machine pick up so I avoid all those pesky telemarketers. Brandy, Dan’s girlfriend, began leaving a message for Dan. Brandy said that she had a big surprise for Dan tonight and to be sure that his cock was fully loaded. She said that she would be over for Dinner at about 6:30. Brandy was nothing short of a spectacular knockout. She was 21 and stood about 5’7″ with long blond hair that cascaded halfway down her back, big blue eyes, large firm breasts, a slender waist, long shapely legs and a killer smile. As a added bonus, she had one of those soft sexy voices that would be perfect for an on the air radio personality. I replayed the message at least 6 times so I could here her voice mention the word cock. Since I was a virgin, I had never heard a girl say the word cock ( other than in porno movies ).

Obviously, Brandy had plans for a major league fucking session with my brother. I began to get a hard on just thinking about it. I knew that on least 3 previous occasions in the past 2 weeks, Dan and Brandy made love in his bedroom. They had been together for about 7 months and probably done most of their lovemaking at her apartment. Our parents had been gone for about 2 weeks, and since they did not approve of pre-marital sex, it was unlikely that Dan and Brandy had done little if any lovemaking under this roof; therefore, Dan had spent a lot of time during the past 7 months at Brandy’s apartment.

Other than in adult movies, I had never seen a couple having sex. Dan or Brandy had no idea that I had returned a day early, so I counted that as a small advantage. I knew that Dan’s bedroom closet had adjustable louvers, so I went up the stairs to look at his bedroom and closet more closely. After I adjusted the louvers, I entered the closet and closed the door. I had a perfect view of 3/4 of the bedroom and 100% of the bed. The side of the bed was only about 6 feet from the closet door giving me an up close view of the action. My mind began elazığ escort racing about the potential for getting caught versus watching one of the best looking girls in Alabama fucking my brother.

Dan was the ultimate babe magnet. He stood about 6’2″, weighed 190 lbs and had a dark complexion and wavy black hair. Girls complimented him all the time over his “Rob Lowe” like nose, piercing green eyes and dark eyebrows. He worked out vigorously 4 days a week which provided a well defined chest and a taut “six pack” stomach. Dan would receive girl’s phone numbers without even asking. He was almost 25, and I know that he had lost his virginity when he was 16. I know that he had about 9 or 10 girlfriends during this time as well as countless other dates. My best guess was that he had fucked between 25 -30 women including a former NBA cheerleader, a bikini contest winner, a Miss Alabama beauty contestant, a homecoming queen and a hot blonde who appeared in a Girls of the SEC Playboy pictorial. An actual Playmate of the month, a Penthouse Pet and an adult movie starlet were practically the only girls not on his resume. For Dan, the city of HuntsvilIe as well as the entire state of Alabama could just as well be named Cuntsville. In short, he could go to bed with almost any woman he wanted. I was certainly no slouch in the looks department; however, my brother received my Dad’s dark complexion and my Mom’s symmetrically proportioned nose. I on the other hand received my Mother’s fair complexion and my Dad’s slightly prominent nose. Although I was still a virgin, I certainly thought about sex a lot and watched my fair share of porn.

As I looked thru the closet doors louvers, I wandered aloud if I could really pull this off. I began my plan of attack by first removing the closet ceiling light bulb and replacing it with a burned out bulb. At least if one of them entered the closet, the only light that they would have would come from the ceiling light in the bedroom. I took a shower and shaved like I was planning my own sexual encounter. I put on a loose black T-shirt, a pair of thin black sweatpants and black socks. I chose black so as to blend into the darkness of the closet. The sweatpants were 100% cotton and when worn with no underwear made for an excellent fabric in which to masturbate. If one of them did approach the closet, I estimated that I would have about 2 -3 seconds to quickly move to the area of the closet behind the open closet door. I rearranged some clothes to be sure that this area of the closet could be easily and quickly accessed.

By now it was almost 5:00PM, and I knew that Dan would be home at about 5:30. He had been at some Corporate Training session off campus all week which required an extra 15 minutes of drive time. I ate a quick sandwich, an apple and some chips along with a glass of Pepsi. I placed a Hershey bar in the closet in case I got hungry. On 1 of the 3 previous occasions that Brandy and Dan made love upstairs, she had left that night and returned to her apartment. I was hoping that she would not sleepover; otherwise, I would have to slip out after they had fallen asleep. The closet door made a noise when it was opened, so I made a mental note to leave it open about an inch so I could get out without making any noise. I went to the bathroom and did number 1; if I had become trapped in the closet with an incredible urge to urinate, I don’t know what I would have done. We had 3 bedrooms upstairs, so I settled in behind closed doors in the bedroom across from Dan’s. I brought a couple of magazines and a book to pass the time. Dan arrived a little after 5:30, undressed and took a shower.

From the bedroom window, I saw Brandy pull in the driveway at 6:30. They prepared a dinner which smelled like lasagna. I opened the bedroom door so I could hear their sounds or conversation. I mustered enough courage to venture into the hall, and on to a point just 2 feet from the top of the stairs. I could tell from their conversation that they were finishing dinner. By now it was almost 8:00, and I walked back to Dan’s bedroom. Along with a flashlight ( and new batteries ) and the 2 magazines, I went into the closet and shut the door, carefully leaving the door ajar approximately an inch. I again double checked the louvers to maximize my view and minimize my chance of getting caught.

After about 30 minutes, I heard them talking and laughing. Their voices became louder as they walked down the hall to Dan’s bedroom. They sat down on the side of the bed right in front of me. Brandy was wearing a tight fitting sleeveless blue blouse, white capri pants and white open toed high heels. She had a sexy little toe ring on her 2nd toe of her right foot. Dan wasted no time as he began kissing her hands and arms before moving on to her neck and her full luscious lips. She had not yet shed a piece of clothing, but my cock was pitching a tent in my light sweatpants. As he continued kissing her lips, he on so slowly began unbuttoning her blouse. After what seemed like an eternity, her blouse was off revealing a pink embroidered lace bra which clearly exposed the upper half of her voluptuous escort elazığ boobs.

After helping Dan remove his shirt and T-shirt, they lay back down on the bed. Brandy began kissing and rubbing his nipples which obviously turned Dan on even more. He attempted to begin removing his pants, but she stopped him saying “not yet”. She alternated between kissing his lips, chest, nipples and stomach. Brandy removed his belt and pulled his Dockers completely off. Dan’s cock was protruding up like a huge banana beneath his Calvin Klein underwear. After removing his socks, Dan pulled off Brandy’s shoes and seductively kissed the top of her doe like feet as well as her ankles. He playfully placed his fingers beneath the waistband of her Capri pants before pulling them down her legs and over her ankles.

Now all that separated me from seeing Brandy completely naked was her pink bra and matching pink lace thong. Dan again started kissing her neck before moving down to her shoulders. He moved from one shoulder to the other placing soft kisses along her upper back. He pulled one bra strap and then the other off her shoulders and then unsnapped and removed her bra. I almost came in my pants as I stared at her spectacular chest. Other than in magazines and movies, I had never seen a girl topless before, so this was quite a sight. She had a large full chest without any sag. I guessed that they were probably 36C’s or 37’s with huge silver dollar size areola. Dan began to gently kiss the top of her breasts before playfully making circular motions with his fingers around her massive nipples. He kissed, kneaded and sucked on her mounds for a good 15 minutes. Fully aroused, her nipples were long, thick and as red as apples. Carefully avoiding her pink thong, Dan moved down to her knees and traced his fingers along her satiny smooth legs. He slowly moved North toward the promised land kissing both of her inner thighs.

They then re-positioned themselves on the king sized bed so that they were lying perpendicular to the top of the bed thus giving me a perfect view of her crotch. Brandy was obviously enjoying this immensely because her pink lace thong had a small wet spot barely larger than a quarter. He slowly pulled her thong down where it was halfway to her knees. From this angle, Dan was blocking my view of Brandy, but I could here her moaning softly. He continued to tease her by pulling the thong just below her knees but no further. As he moved from one side of her to the other, I was able to catch a glimpse of her pussy. With her thong still on her legs, I didn’t get a great look; however, I could see that she sported a clean shaven labia with a small triangle of blonde pubic hair above her pussy. Still trapped in her thong, he gently rubbed and kissed both of her inner thighs. From my angle, it seemed that he would he would kiss and caress her thighs to about an inch from her pussy, but then go no closer.

After she was begging and pleading, Dan pulled her thong completely off. I saw her bright pink pussy briefly before she turned over and lay on her stomach now lying head to toe with the top and bottom of the bed. As she lay face down on the bed, I got an excellent side view of her left boob, but my eyes soon wandered down her body to her sexy little ass. I had seen Brandy many times in a tight pair of jeans, and it was a sight to behold. Dan leaned over and kissed her again on the lips before again kissing her bare shoulders and back. He soon made his way down to her ass where he spent an extraordinary amount of time kissing and then caressing her baby soft butt cheeks. Dan parted her legs and placed his hand down into her crotch area. Dan looked back up at Brandy and told her that she was soaking wet.

Brandy moaned softly and said ” keep going”.

Dan continued on down her body planting soft kisses on the back of her upper and lower legs. Brandy had had enough of the foreplay so she turned over, spread her legs, bent her knees and told Dan to eat her pussy. Dan dived in enthusiastically flicking her clit with his tongue and sucking it into his mouth. She arched her hips, grabbed his head, and smashed it against her pussy. Dan continued to gently suck on her clit before moving down and tonguing her vagina. He slipped one, two and three finders into her twat, and with his lips around her clit sucked until her body began to quiver frantically. Just as she was on the verge of orgasm, he would stop. Dan continued this tease for another 10 or 15 minutes until her body began to violently shake and she screamed out “Yes,Yes,Yes!”.

After Brandy was able to calm down and compose herself, she said that she had a early Birthday present for Dan ( his Birthday was 2 days away on Sunday ). She walked her sexy nude body over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Dan was obviously intrigued and asked if they were for him or her.

Brandy quickly snapped ” For you of course”.

Dan had no objections as he lay back down and stretched his arms up toward the top of the bed. Brandy wasted no time as she quickly cuffed both of his wrists to the top of the bed. She then got down her on knees elazığ escort bayan between his knees and slowly started running her fingers up and down his tanned muscular legs. Brandy’s ass was pointed directly at the dresser mirror; unfortunately, the reflection could not be seen from the bedroom closet. She continued this torture for a few more minutes before releasing his prick from his underwear and sliding them down and off his ankles. She worked her way back up his legs until she was cupping, kissing and sucking his balls. I had seen his cock before, but never in this condition. Fully erect, it looked to be at least a full inch longer than my 6″ cock. As she continued playing with his balls, she made a concerted effort to not touch his twitching cock. Walking back to the dresser, she pulled a blindfold as well as another set of cuffs from her purse. This was beginning to get real kinky. I was determined not to ejaculate to early, and I wanted to maximize my pleasure with a “fully loaded cock”. After placing the blindfold over Dan’s eyes, she cuffed both of his ankles to the bottom of the bed. Brandy then looked down at Dan’s clock on the nightstand. She said that she was going downstairs and that she would be right back. After she left the room, I turned on my flashlight, and looked at my watch and noticed that it was 9:45.

After about 5 minutes, Brandy returned to the bedroom. My eyes practically popped out of my sockets as I saw not only Brandy but also a girl named Lindsey. Lindsey had graduated from my high school one year earlier than me. She was a spectacular 5’5″ brunette with shoulder length hair, brown eyes and a perfect tan. I had fantasized about this girl since I was in the 8th grade. Throughout all of my high school years, she was the standard with which all other girls were measured. I must have heard the phrase “she’s not as hot as Lindsey” several dozen times. As a senior, she won the cutest girl contest, and rumor was that she received over 90% of the votes. This girl was now standing there in the flesh less than 12 feet from me. She had on a tight fitting black tank top, black mini skirt, black nylons and high heels. At the risk of getting caught, I pulled off my black shirt and gently rubbed my breasts.

After silently directing Lindsey to sit in a chair on the other side of the bed from me, Brandy climbed back on the bed and began again to lightly trace her fingers over Dan’s chest and rock hard abs. Dan’s limp cock started slowly growing and expanding again to the full 7 inches. Lindsey stared intently at Dan’s spread eagled naked body with her eyes focused mostly on his crotch. Lindsey signaled Brandy with her hand an aok sign and then mouthed the words “huge cock”. Since Dan was blindfolded, he had no idea that Lindsey was in the room. Brandy then asked Dan if he remembered their discussion about 2 weeks ago about sexual fantasies. Dan replied that they had discussed a lot of sexual fantasies.

Brandy asked, ” Which one of my friends did you say you would most like to make love to?”

Dan said ” Lindsey, absolutely Lindsey”.

With that answer, Brandy used her right index finger to silently motion Lindsey to the bed. Lindsey climbed up on the bed, removed her heels and stood directly over Dan’s pulsating cock. Brandy played with Dan’s erect nipples before planting a wet kiss on his lips. She then gently removed Dan’s blindfold, and his eyes stared up at Lindsey’s sexy face and body. WOW was the first word out of his mouth before he complimented Lindsey on her outfit. Lindsey looked down at Dan and asked him if he wanted to see her naked. Dan looked over at Brandy and after her nod of approval said yes. Lindsey quickly pulled the tank top off and over her head revealing a black bra. She then stepped out of the black mini skirt and threw it on the bed. She looked absolutely stunning standing there with the black bra, matching panties, thigh high black nylons and the attached garter belt.

Lindsey wasted no time in continuing her cock tease as she lifted her left foot and placed it on the headboard. She deftly unsnapped the black nylons on her left leg and peeled them down her thigh and below her knee. Brandy was sitting on the other side of the bed gently tracing her fingers across Dan’s chest, nipples and stomach. Ever so often she would lean over and kiss and lick both of his nipples. Lindsey continued her assault by completely removing her left black stocking, and then throwing it on the floor less than 2 feet from the closet door. After removing the right stocking and the garter belt, she sat down on Dan’s upper chest and played with her boobs, still trapped beneath her sexy black bra. As she reached around her back to remove her bra, my eyes were glued to her chest. I almost came in my pants when I feasted my eyes on her ample breasts. Although not quite as large as Brandy’s, they were still absolutely exquisite. She had no tan lines, so my mind began wandering if she sunbathed topless or simply visited a tanning salon. While still standing directly over Dan’s head, she began teasing Dan by sliding her panties halfway to her knees and then bringing them back up around her waist. She must have repeated this 8 or 10 times before relenting and stepping out of her panties and dropping them on the bed. Meanwhile, Brandy had moved down between Dan’s legs and was licking the very tip of his twitching cock every 15 or 20 seconds.

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