A Peep Show Experience
I frequent a peep show in a nearby city. What I like about it is not only being able to watch the girls up close from the safety of the glass but exposing my self to them and seeing the stares they give me as they watch me get off from the whole experience.
Occasionally, while waiting for a booth, I’ll see men come in with their wives or girlfriends go into a booth and leave them milling in the lobby to wait for them. It’s usually a group of Asian men with the women. There are often several of them so they aren’t waiting out there alone. They huddle in a loose group and talk while the male patrons come and go from behind the booth doors.
Once I walked in and saw two Japanese women standing alone in the lobby area. They stood close to each other, shoulder to shoulder, waiting for their men who had disappeared into the booths. They weren’t talking. They were just staring out into space, their arms crossed in front of them. They were cute, wearing white short sleeve blouses and slacks. I walked by them to the wall by the corner booth to get a handful of tissues. I wondered what they were thinking as one of them briefly glanced at me.
The regular booths are small closet like spaces with room for your self to stand and see through the glass. The glass is pretty high and girls performing can only see you from the shoulder up unless they get up close and look straight down. The booth is lit until you put in your money and the shutter opens and then it is dark except for the light from the dancer’s room. The three dancers rotate from one end of the room to the other during their shift so there are a variety of girls to watch. The corner booths are different. They are bigger with a narrow bench on the wall. The window is a little larger and comes down to about my knees. The light spills in and the girls can see me rub myself through my pants. When I drop my pants they can see everything.
I reached for the door of the corner booth. As I opened it the two Japanese girls watched me. I looked over at them and they shifted their eyes to the floor. I hesitated at the half open door and continued to look at them for a moment and one of them looked up again. She looked at me from under the bangs of the jet black hair that framed her face. We stood there a moment. Then I looked into the booth, looked back at her, and she was still watching. I didn’t say anything but I motioned my head slightly “Do you want to see what is in the booth?” She stood there. Her friend looked up to see what was happening. They look at each other and the girl very slightly bobbed her head up and down and slowly moved gaziantep escort toward me. Her friend hesitated and then followed.
They shuffled to the opening of the room and peered in. There wasn’t much to see but they could see how much space there was, the bench, the money machine, and the shuttered glass window. The booth had been recently cleaned and had the faint odor of lemon cleaning solution. I moved in leaving the door open behind me. I kept my eyes on them and motioned for them to come in. The girl was curious and the other was going along with her. She and her friend stepped in. Her friend was next to me and the girl was near the door. Speaking for the first time I whispered to close the door and lock it. The girl turned, clicked the door shut, and pushed the button to lock the knob. It was a little tight in the booth with three people but the girls were small and there was room for all us.
I pulled out some money, fed it to the machine, and the shutter to the glass window opened. The girls could see the well lit open room lined with mirrors, red carpet, and two dancer poles. The thump of music could be heard through the walls. The dancers were nude and two of them were working windows at the regular booths. They were at the windows showing off their breasts and one had a leg splayed up high bringing her pussy closer to the man behind the window. He was undoubtedly jacking himself off to the sight.
The girls were fascinated by what they saw. I’m not sure what they expected. They didn’t say a word but peered closer to the window to see down the edge of the room at the two dancers at the other windows. Their eyes were wide open and their mouths slightly open to the sights in front of them. Their arms were still crossed in front of them though tighter now and pushing their breasts up into small mounds.
A third dancer was in the middle of the room. She saw our window open. She was medium height and cute with a brunette pageboy haircut. Her skin was light and she had these perfect soft natural breasts that were largish on her frame, hung down, and swayed when she bent forward. She had a little bit of hair above her pussy. I could see the mounds of her outer lips and a hint of the inner lips poking through. The sight of the three of us made her smile and move our way. The girls saw her coming slowly toward us.
When the dancer reached our window she bent forward, cupped her hanging tits, and mouthed hello looking directly at the girls; and then to me. They just stared at her, saying nothing,. I looked at those perfect tits and imagined them softly escort gaziantep pressed against my chest as she drags them down the length of my body and wraps them around my cock. I would love to fuck those tits but that is another story. She rotated her hips as she turned around. She bent over low to show us her ass, spreading her cheeks to reveal the soft slit of her pussy. Weak spot lights in the floor showed us all we wanted to see. Her tits hung and swayed.
As the dancer worked our window I reached to the front of my pants to readjust my hardening dick. I began to rub it through my pants. The girl’s friend, to my left, noticed the movement and stared at my hand. I didn’t look at her directly but saw her from the corner of my eye. I kept my gaze on the dancer before me. At first I rubbed lightly but gradually increased the pressure and stroke. The dancer was watching me as she kneaded her breasts together and licked them. The girl turned so that now all three were watching me. My gaze was still on the dancer.
The whole point of the booth is to expose myself. I loosened my belt and pant button with one hand and slid my hand into my pants. The girls looked away and fixed their eyes on the dancer as I continued to rub myself now through my loose boxer shorts. The dancer placed her feet at the window and leaned back on her hands. She spread her legs wide open. Her pussy opened to a perfect vertical oval slit. The inner lips were slightly moist and glistened in the light. She smiled at the girls, looked directly at me and rocked her hips forward and back. I slowly slid my pants and shorts down. The girls heard the rustle of my clothes and after a moments hesitation they looked at me as my dick stuck out and slightly up toward the dancers spread legs beyond the window. I began to buck my hips in unison with the dancer’s rocking. I wrapped my hand around my cock and just squeezed. Then I began to slowly slide it up and down the shaft. I looked at the girls looking at my dick. The girl’s friend next to me continued staring down at my hand around my cock but the girl look up into my eyes with a mixture of fascination and desire at what we were all doing. I looked back at the dancer while slowly and lightly rubbing my dick then back to the girl. I stroked, looked down at my dick, and then back to the girl. The dancer turned onto her hands and knees. She bent low arching her back and raising her ass in the air. Her legs were closed tight and the mounds of her pussy protruded from her smooth thighs. The inner lips poked through forming a wrinkled line of flesh. She continued gaziantep escort bayan to rock to the music. Her breasts were plastered to the carpet squeezing out to the side. The girl’s crossed arms loosened. I moved my hand down to cup my balls and looked at her. As I squeezed my balls, ever so slowly she reached out, across her friend, and brushed the palm of her hand from the pink head of my dick to the base of the shaft. Her friend just watched as it happened and she wet her lips with her tongue. I felt her steady hand on my shaft and closed my eyes for a moment to feel the pressure of her hand sliding toward me.
She pulled her hand back and looked at the dancer’s ass and pussy in front of us. I stroked my cock some more and put my hand at my side. The girl reached across her friend again and this time she wrapped her hand around my cock, gently squeezed and held it there. I began to rock slightly in unison to the dancer. The girl loosened her grip a little and my cock began to slide inside her hand. I gasped a little and started to breathe deeply. She looked directly at me while I increased the thrust of my hips into her hand. The dancer turned over again and watched us through the window as she lay on her back with her legs and pussy spread wide. Her body was moist with sweat and her breasts sagged to the sides of her ribcage as she watched and encouraged us by mouthing “Fuck me . . . Fuck Me . . .”
The girl pulled her hand away and spit in the palm then she returned her lubed hand to my cock. She moved her hand in opposition to my thrusts and gripped slightly tighter. In . . . out . . . in . . . out . . . The sensation of her slick hand on my cock, the sight of her looking straight at me, her friend fixated on my thrusts, and the dancers moist slit open and ready to fuck was all I needed as I shot a load of cum that snaked out and splattered on the window. Our first sounds were heard when her friend elicited an “ooh!” and I let out a not so subtle grunt of pleasure with the first shot. Another shot hit the window and the third dropped to the floor in front of us. I think the amount of cum even surprised the dancer as it slowly dripped down the window. I stopped my thrusting and the girl removed her hand from my cock. I was spent. She looked at the cum on her fingers and I handed her some tissues. We wiped ourselves off and dropped the tissues to the floor of the booth. I pulled up my pants, closed my zipper and clasped my belt. Her friend had a dazed smile on her face and she was squeezing and caressing her breasts having opened the top two buttons to her blouse. Time ran out on the window shutter and the dancer waved goodbye.
We left the booth. There was still no one in the lobby. I nodded to the girls and they nodded back. The girls looked at me and whispered to each other. As I was leaving the lobby I looked back and saw both of them going back into the booth.
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